
Photovoltaic panels: cleaning and maintenance

Routine maintenance of the photovoltaic system includes all routine operations, such as periodic cleaning of the panels and a visual inspection of the panels, while extraordinary maintenance refers to all those operations to be carried out, thus unplanned, such as repairs and/or replacement of worn or damaged components.

The smog, fine dust, and dirt that settle on photovoltaic panels darken the surfaces and consequently reduce their yield, so to keep the system efficient, it would be a good idea to clean the panels at least once a year.

But how to clean them? The best way is to do the cleaning in early spring, so that the system is perfectly clean during the months of highest production, early in the morning, before the panels warm up with the sun.

If you have access to the roof and can secure yourself with a lifeline, cleaning can be done independently, using only demineralized water, no detergents that might be abrasive, a very soft sponge or cloth, and finally rinsing thoroughly. In cases where the facility is difficult to access, it is always best to rely on a specialized company.